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Nursery for the Earth

Solidago nemoralis (Fr: verge d'or des bois | En: Grey Goldenrod, Oldfield goldenrod)

Regular price $15.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 CAD

Often found on dry and poor soils, Solidago nemoralis can often be identified by its distinctive curved tip of its panicle (flower bunches). This goldenrod is a quite small and well behaved compared to others generally clumping rather than spreading far. This makes it an excellent choice for garden edges such as near walkways or concrete borders.
Solidago nemoralis is one of the last goldenrods to begin flowering and can continue flowering well after the first frosts. This allows it to provide crucial nectar and pollen to many bees and other pollinators before they enter hibernation, and these flowers are often buzzing with activity on a sunny October day.

Consider planting with Solidago juncea, a similar goldenrod that flowers much earlier.

Height: 0.3 to 0.75 meter
Bloom: September to November
Sun: Full sun
Moisture: Dry to moderate