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Nursery for the Earth

Doellingeria umbellata (Fr: Aster à ombelles | En: Flat-top white aster)

Regular price $15.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $15.00 CAD


A a show stopper of an aster during late summer and early autumn that is able stand tall with other tall meadow flowers. Consider planting with goldenrod species such as Solidago altissima or Solidago rugosa. 

Its large blooms attract many species of bees, wasps, butterflies and moths. While the leaves support many small insects such as leaf miners and also are a primary host for the beautiful Chlosyne harrisii butterfly Later in autumn, the seeds provide food for many small songbirds such as sparrows.

Height: 1-2 meters

Flowering: August-September

Habitat: tall meadows, prairies, open woodlands, forest edges, wet meadows, wetland edges

Sun requirements: Sun to part-shade

Moisture requirements: Moist to moderate

Soil requirements: rich